I had been having contractions all day. These were different. They were coming faster and felt like my insides were burning. I called the doc and went in. Again, same story different day. I wasn't dialated enough to be admitted so I went home. Something wasnt right. I could tell. I went to bed around 11am and woke up at 530pm in excruciating pain. It was time.
It was the last call I would make to my husband before we became parents. He questioned me one last time. "Are you sure this time"?! I prayed it was.
We got to the hospital around 6:00pm. By this time I was contracting every 3 min and was certain this child was coming. My parents were on the way from Indy and my grandpa came too. Everyone had been notified.
Then it happened again. I was sent home because I was still only 2cm dialated. SERIOUSLY! My family was here at this point and I could barely keep from crying. I was released from the hospital at 9pm.
I knew this baby was coming. Why couldn't they just believe me. It was my first baby and I didn't know what I was talking about, I heard them mumble. I wasn't about to make my family drive all the way back to Indy. We found the nearest restaurant and hotel. Spaghetti was the last meal I consumed before giving birth.
We all got settled into the hotel and everyone tried to keep busy while I labored in the bathtub. Sam, Kate, Danny played cards. Mom and papaw got some sleep. I labored. And labored. And labored. 3am came and I had enough.
March 19, 2011
Mom, sam, Danny, kate, and I packed up the truck and headed back to the hospital. Papaw stayed in bed to get some more rest in case this was ANOTHER false alarm. We got to the hospital and I checked in. Everyone had to stay behind while they checked me and WAHOOOOO, I was dialated to 4cm! That was all I needed.
I got my epidural around 6am. It went better than I thought. I was nervous but we got through it. Danny held my hand the whole time. It was awesome. Once I got my epidural I was instructed to just rest and try to get some sleep before the big stuff came. In the meantime Danny had called my best friends and more of the family, and they were on their way. I was so happy they were coming to experience this with me.
My water broke around 10am. By this time I was at 6cm. I was progressing slowly but I was progressing on my own with no pitocin. Thats what I was most proud about...until....the HOT SPOT. If you arent familiar with labor terms, I had one of the most excrutiating pains in my entire life. The epidural was working great, except in my left hip. I could feel everything in my left hip. It was getting to the point where I thought my entire leg was going to break. I just could feel so much pressure and burning that I wasnt sure if I was going to be able to push. In the mean time, Lucas decided that he didnt like me laying on my side and his heart rate decided to drop. Everyone had to leave the room while they gave me oxygen and flipped me over to get him moving and situated into a spot where he could be comfy. It was so scary. I was certain my blood pressure was through the roof and I was going to go into a panic attack or preeclampsia.
Once that was over and everything calmed down, they let me press my button to release more of the meds into my system and gave me another type of drug to ease my pain. Thank goodness that helped. I fell asleep at 8cm...now thats not normal. At 8cm you are about ready for the rodeo. Not me, I was sawing logs. It was nice. They came to check me a bit later and I had gotten to 10cm but I just didnt feel like pushing. I wasnt feeling the pressure they described so I just felt like I would wait a bit longer. My doc wasnt even there yet so I didnt see the rush.
Then, something just came over me and I felt like pushing and getting this shit over with. I started pushing at 1:30 pm. I pushed 4 times with every contraction but was starting to get that stupid HOTT SPOT pain again so things began to get more and more difficult. I just knew I had to suck it up and get through this. Danny held a wash cloth on my face while my mom, debi, and sister all cried the entire time I was giving birth. I remember looking down at my sister who was just in tears as they pulled Lucas out. She was so happy and I am so glad she got to experience this moment with me. My nurse did an amazing job until my doctor got there. He literally was there just in time to do a procedure on me so I could push Lucas out and be done. Lucas was born at 2:50pm. I couldnt quite see him as soon as they took him out. I was trying not to scream in pain due to the HOTT SPOT pain i was having. It was really coming and I couldnt believe that my hip was still attached when I was finished. Doc finished up on me while everyone went over and visited with Lucas. I finally got to hold him after they cleaned him up a bit and got his vitals. I couldnt take my eyes off of him. Our family was complete...
or just started :)
3/19/11 Just minutes old.
3/19/2012 ONE YEAR OLD