I am a special needs parent. I have very special needs. I need you to be there for me. I need you to be there for my family. I need you not to pity my child. I need you to teach your children acceptance. I need you to listen when I need to talk. I need you to not judge me. I need you to understand why I dont always call. I need you to be my friend. I am a special needs parent. I have special needs.
I have had several people come up to me in places asking if eli is ok. The helmet sure does attract attention to those not familiar with the medical field. Then, they question why his eyes are the way that they are. It doesnt really bug me, but that is a pretty curious question. I would do it myself if the roles were reversed. I dont mind people asking becuase it means they are interested. I also dont mind stares if it isnt for super long, and a question follows.
Many of you on Facebook write me often to encourage me, those that comment on pictures of Eli and say how handsome he is and special, that try to be involved. You dont understand how much I truly love and cherish all of your nice replies. If you love my son, I will love you even more back.
I am trying to grow thicker skin, but some days I just feel like I have failed Eli. We have a long road ahead of us with many different areas of Eli's development. He is making great strides, and we are very appreciative for that.
One day at a time, right?!