Tuesday, October 4, 2011

worst fear.

So lately I have been feeling really guilty about Lucas not being able to crawl yet. I see other babies that are his age and doing so well and showing steady signs of wanting to crawl, and he just lays there. Well, technically, he screams the whole time so doesnt really even lay there. Last night was the first real signs of him wanting to put pressure on his forearms. He hates tummy time so his development in his upper extremities has been slow. We can put him on his belly for a few minutes, then he is done. He lets you know. That is one thing I love about him, he definately tells you when he is not happy.

Last night we practiced putting pressure on our arms and legs and even got up on all fours before he tumbled over. Then we took a bath. He had gotten tons of fuzz on his fingers and neck so I decided to throw him in the tub. Well, not throw. You kow what I mean. Here is a video of Lucas in the tub. Dont judge me on the ending, it was a total accident and no child was injured in the process :)
6 1/2 months old.

He also loves sitting up and playing wth toy trucks and musical things. I love this part. He is learning very quickly and seems to be entertained with the most simplest of things. Daddys hats, remote, socks, blankers, bears, spoons, straws. Although most of these things are given to him by me and under strict supervision, I love that he can enjoy all of them.

We were given a swing by our good friends, The Kikendall's, for his baby shower. Lucas loves this swing. It has literally been our saving grace. Unfortunately, the little, well growing bigger, Lucas is starting to sit up in it and getting close to the weight limit. I am not ready for him to outgrow this part of his journey. I have spent many hours watching him sleep, talk, laugh in this swing and its just a bittersweet moment that I have ahead of me. Here are a few pics of his moments in this wonderful gift :)

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