Monday, March 11, 2013

Update on baby.

I had an ultrasound last Monday for half way check up. Friday is when I had the visit with the doctor. That’s when he goes over everything from the ultrasound. Things started off well. Then I got the BUT…apparently (even though I had background in maternal care) I did not know this part. Babies have 2 vessels in their umbilical cords which are a viable support system to baby from me. Baby gets lots of their nutrients and supplements through these vessels. Based on what I eat and what not. Baby only has one of the two vessels. So baby will be lacking in an area. What area, is what we don’t know. The first place is the heart. So I have to be sent to get another ultrasound this Friday and an echocardiogram on babies heart in 3 weeks. They want baby to be more developed so they can get a better view of the heart to see if its developing well and what not. If things look ok then we have to do more testing elsewhere to see where baby would be lacking. Blood supply, brain function, ect.

Its gonna be a long 20 weeks with all this testing. I am now a high risk patient which puts me basically at the doctor every week now. Not something I want to do but given the situation, its whats best. So yea…that’s that.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate all your kind words.

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