I packed a bag for myself, got Lucas ready and headed for my Mother In laws. This almost felt like the real deal. But not quite. I drove myself to the hospital. Danny is working. Not in any pain so the need for someone to drive me wasn't necessary. Triage was busy but they got me into a room quickly. Hooked me up and I answered some questions. This is where it gets annoying.
The RN comes in and tells one of the other nurses that I need 2 monitors. "She's twins!" & She walks out.
Whoa. Does someone know something I don't? I immediately put a halt on everything. I said no no I am not having twins. I have an HLHS BABY and leaking fluid. Lets just say triage was not on their A game today!
Eli was monitored for an hour and the doc finally came in to check me. No amniotic fluid but I am leaking. Eli is full force resting on my bladder and cervix, causing lots of pressure and leaking urine/bodily fluid. You got it. I'm peeing on myself and I have no control what-so-ever.
I am dilated 1cm but no reason to be put on any rest or close watch. No contractions or pain. So we're ok.
Fun to continue to pee on yourself, right? Not.
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