Eli has not been doing well with his NSTs. Each time, I am required to be released by a physician because he does not want to accelerate much past the 130s for heartrate. They like to see a 15 beat increase from his baseline rate which is usually around 125s so hes not accelerating very well on his own. Once a physician has overlookd his graph and sees movement, rate and contraction, she determines the next step. Which has been for me to just resume activity like normal. No need to be admitted or bed rest...until last week! I was put on bedrest for the weekend and while that seemed to help, it kind of made things a bit more real. I was able to get some time on the couch and off my feet. Although many moments I caught myself picking up toys, playing trains with my oh so handsome 2 year old and going outside to remind myself that I wasnt in a cage! Sunday night things seemed to just get worse. I woke up around 4am to some very heavy contractions. They were coming about every 8mins. I almost panicked. BUT I remembered how awful those contractions were with Lucas, and just kept telling myself...these, arent that bad! I timed them for another 4 hours and thought I better call the doc to get back in and checked to make sure I wasnt dilating more. Pfew! I wasnt!
Eli just wants out, basically. I was given meds to keep the contractions at a hault, and keep baby Eli from exiting his premises for another 2 weeks. I am not allowed to take the medication after 36 weeks...So once the meds are done, its free reign for baby Eli to come out and meet us! We are expecting him not long after the medications are complete. So that puts us at the first week of July! I have a few people who did guess that early, so we shall see. I am back to work. I find myself struggling for air this time around when I am trying to have conversations, and its become quite difficult to sit in my chair for more than 20 mins at a time. I am not even close to being as huge as I was with Lucas. But I think its because Eli is big for these types of babies and the less weight gain on my end, is playing a huge role in my not so comfy quarters! Here is whats next for us for the rest of June!!
June 19th, meet Eli's surgeon (DR.MORALES)
June 21, NST
June 25, NST
June 28, doc appt/stop meds/growth ultrasound-which will give us a close estimate of how much he will weigh at birth!
My next updates will be for the month of July! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Thats the month I am due! Thats the month we are going to have another baby boy!
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