Early Tuesday morning I had an NST & BPP for Eli. As usual I went through the routine. Woke up, ate, spent some time with Lucas once he arrived with Debi and Danny! I had wanted to use the restroom before I headed down for my appointment. I noticed some leaking but didn't speak up just yet. I wanted to get through this BPP first. Since Eli wasn't doing well on them anyways I just decided to hold off on telling them. As usual, the BPP was abnormal. Eli got one movement and needed three in 30m. He passed the breathing portion. Score was 6/8. To me that's not passing. So is it failing? I started to panic again. The tech said she would call the doc and they would let me know. Now remind you this happened to us the Monday before. They decided to admit me for delivery but took it away in the blink of an eye. Oh yes and to make this more fun, it was the same doc who said NO the week before! I swore this hospital hated me.
Got back to the room. I was frustrated. An hour passed and no word on the plan. The nurse finally came in and said she spoke to doc and there was no change in delivery plan. One more day!
BE PATIENT KELCIE! That's what I was hearing from my annoyed husband in one ear & a an RN who thought I was just being a baby! I had mentioned in this time about the leaking to the RN. You could tell she didn't believe me. Just another reason this mom wants to be checked and get her baby out right? Yeah. That's what happened. They were in no hurry to check me. The resident had this look like "seriously!? Maybe you just peed on yourself again..." He didn't say that but I could see it on his face. They both left the room to get the testing supplies needed for the amniotic fluid check...
I had to send Danny and Debi and Lucas in the hallway. It was close to 1:00 and Danny was needing to get to work if nothing was going to happen based off the BPP. I used the restroom and then was in process of sending them out on their way...
I came back out and went to sit down on the bed to give Lucas a kiss goodbye...THEN WOOOOSH! Gush #1 came. All over the floor. Gush #2 came as I took another step. Now to some of you this may be gross. To me it was hilarious. I heard this teeny tiny little voice go "EWWWW"! Lucas had just witnessed my water break LOL! Danny saw it too. And pointed. It still makes me laugh! As they were coming back in to test me, the nurse began to laugh and said "now you've made me a believer!"
Seriously! Like I was lying to begin with! Ugh! Annoying. They collected their samples to clarify and I was put on the monitors to see where Eli was and how the contractions were. After about 20min I was taken up to labor and delivery.
The contractions were coming. And fast. 2min apart and tolerable. They got me to my room and I labored until 4pm with no meds. I couldn't do it anymore. Epidural was in and it was all crazy from there.
Eli had a significant dip in his heart rate when I hit 7cm. Oxygen was placed on me and an internal monitor was placed for him. He did not like me on my back so I was placed on my right side for the majority of labor. I went quick. Alot quicker than they expected and definitely a lot quicker than with Lucas. Before we knew it I hit 10! Doc came in and had me push twice to see where I was at with pain and comfort. He left to get sterile and returned. I pushed about 20 more times before Eli was out. They had to use forceps on the last 2 pushes to help ease him out. I had him nestled just right and couldn't get him past my bone. Once he maneuvered a little further, he was here!!
Immediately put on my chest for what seemed like 5 seconds before he was whisked away. Danny stayed right along side of him the entire time. I was breaking my neck to try and see what was happening. I couldn't see anything. I was being worked on and wasnt able to move much or be moved to see Eli. Once Eli got stable and the vitals were good they brought him to me. I was able to get a few touches, and a picture...
Then he was gone. I got to see my baby for less than 10min on his actual birth day. ONE OF THE hardest things I've had to do. Eli was in the NICU getting worked on and then transported from good sam tocchildren's. They came to take him away. They wheeled him in to see me before they got on the elevator. Danny was able to let Lucas see him through the glass while he was in the NICU at good Sam. Lucas was ecstatic from what they said. He was saying bye baby and loving watching his baby brother through the window. This for me was tough. I was unable to see this but Danny got to experience it so that's ok.
I was taken to my room and told that 4 hours after birth I could go see Eli. SAY WHAT! By the time I got to my room it was close to that 4hr mark. I changed clothes and my mom and aunt took me over.
Eli was doing well. Danny had been over there for about 2 hours. Keeping me updated and informed on all aspects. I stayed from 12-2:30. Got to hold him and spend a little time. For me, that was the best part. I was able to pump while visiting so when Eli is ready to take my milk supply we have that already stocking up for him. So happy to be able to do that if he's unable to actually have the contact to breast bc of the surgery.
I came back to the hospital and just cried. Happy tears of course. I missed my boys. ALL OF THEM! I finally fell asleep. Today, as I write this I am packing up my hospital bags and heading to children's.
How long will we be there? When is Eli surgery? I cannot answer this just yet. Stay tuned. Docs will let us know soon!
So welcome Baby boy!
Eli James Kleckner
7:35 time of birth.
We love you❤
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