Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's next.

A question I've been asked numerous times over the last week. 

Eli will remain in the CICU until his first biopsy on Nov 27. This biopsy will tell us if Eli is accepting his new heart. All signs point to yes, but we don't know for sure. 

Once the biopsy comes back and all is good. We will be moved to the step down floor. Here, we will learn how to care for eli more and be able to do normal things with him. We do not know how long he will remain on the step down floor. 

Once they feel he is ready to be discharged. Eli will be sent to a hotel nearby the hospital for the remainder of the time required. He has to remain around the hospital for at least 8 weeks post surgery. So that puts us towards the middle of January to go home.

A hotel? Why not Ronald McDonald? Well we live fairly close to the hospital as it is. So we were only able to get a room at Ronald McDonald because Eli was so critical and remained in the CICU. Once we leave the CICU. We don't qualify to stay at Ronald McDonald anymore. The hospital will pay for a hotel but it's just another inconvenience Danny, Lucas and myself have to work with. Our schedules are already crazy. Throwing a hotel in the mix just doesn't sit well with me. 

So that's the plan. Can you believe that in just weeks we will be making our first trip home! As a family of 4!!!


  1. It was so good to read this encouraging message, I have been praying for this little guy named Eli even before I knew for sure who he was. Wishing you many blessings as you go through these days ahead until he can be at home with the family.
    Karen Brandt

  2. I meant the above message to follow the Dec 3rd blog, but the message is still the same, and a Merry Christmas message being sent too.
