I wake up around 6:15. Get ready for work and walk from rmh to the hospital. The walk to Eli's room feels like it takes forever. I think it's just bc being away from him for long periods makes me anxious. Once I get there we talk and discuss how his night went. He usually gives me a look and then falls back to sleep once I'm done talking to him in that ridiculous baby voice. I'm not 100% sure what I even say half the time but I try. Once I'm done bothering Eli with my jibberish I pump in the bathroom.
I head to work. I usually stop by Starbucks and grab a frapp. Depends how late I am leaving Eli. I finish walking to work. My work day starts at 7:30. I'm there til about 1130 before I head to see Eli again. We visit for about 20 minutes and then I pump, again.
The walk back to work is a bit tougher. I hate leaving the little guy. I manage to get lunch in here somewhere and finish the work day. I get off at 4:00.
After work, I go back to see Eli for a brief amount of time before leaving to go pick up Lucas from Danny at his work. Once I have Lucas we head back to rmh and play and eat. That's where I pump for my 3rd time of the day. We usually walk over to see Eli once. That tends to be around 8:00. After our visit we walk back to rmh and get ready for bed or watch movies. I call and check on Eli about every 2 hours after this point. I usually do my 4th pumping around 11:30. That's all I pump in one day. I can sleep through the night and resume pumping in the morning.
Danny arrives at the hospital around 1045. He stays and visits with Eli until 12:30 or so. Lucas and I are usually asleep by the time he gets back to rmh but that's ok. Lucas gets to spend a lot of his morning with Danny. Which I know he really enjoys.
Then, the next day. We do it all over again. That schedule is typical for a Tuesday through Friday. Danny is off on Mondays so he keeps Lucas all day and I can stay with Eli longer periods of time.
So that's how we live now. In and out of the hospital but making it as normal as possible for all of us.