Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's official!

We are homeowners!

Today Danny and I closed on our first home. We couldn't be more excited to start this new journey in our lives.

We have to move out of the apartment by Friday aug 31! So we are moving into our inlaws for a few days. We can officially move into the house on sept 5! Yay!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

So blessed.

You never realize how many people care about you and your family until something hits close to home. My mother was rushed into the ER Friday afternoon with severe metabolic anemia, possible internal bleeding.

2 years ago she underwent gastric bypass surgery. She's hit 104lbs lost since that day. She's the poster child for bariatric surgery. No joke. She will be posting her pic on the wall soon :)

Mom is not good at taking care of herself, she's so concerned with that hell on wheels 16year old she has at home, she forgets to do what's best for her health. I wouldn't ever wish my mom any other way. This surgery gave my mom another 2 years of life. I believe she was on her way to heart failure if she had not gotten this procedure. She was overweight and unhealthy. For that, I'm not mad about what's now occurred. I'm more so mad at my mother for not doing what she was told and taking her meds the correct way.

Oh lord, here comes the mother out in me. Who knew, right?!

After 3 days in the hospital, I had to bring my toddler back home. A hospital is no place for a rambunctious 17m old.

Mom went into the hospital at 3.8hmg level and now she's at 5.8, even after 4 units of blood. Why is she not getting any higher? Shes scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscope at 8:00am. So...That question i have will be answered tomorrow...

To be continued.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New home & New news :)

The road to getting here wasnt easy. We've managed to live in a rental home, an apartment, Danny's parents, another apartment and end the process on building a home due to flood plane issues. Now, we have our first home. Closing is aug 17 and fastly approaching. With the help of our family we are able to get in faster than what we originally thought. I couldn't be happier. So excited to give Lucas his first home and share it with the person I love the most. Here are a few photos I stole from the online realtor site :)

We hadn't planned on extending our family until after the new year. Well, atleast that's what I thought. Danny, had other plans. I made an appointment to start birth control on and had text Danny to let him know and ask if this was "ok?" I wasn't expecting the answer I was given. "NO IM NOT OK WITH THAT!" I was in shock. I was expecting "yes babe" and that would be the end of the convo until after the new year. Definitely not the case. Of course I wanted to know why the sudden change of heart. I called and we talked. Long story short, he wants them "sooner rather than later" as he put it. After much thought we have agreed to go ahead and move forward with extending our family instead of waiting.

Again, I couldn't be happier and in hopes to be giving Lucas a sibling. My best friend is my sibling and I hope we can give that too Lucas as well. So fingers crossed for the next few months and send us your prayers :-)
