Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Scary sweeper && 9 month appt.

So last week we realized that Lucas DOES NOT like the sweeper. I can put him down on the floor and sweep the other side of the room and he will be okay for a few. If you come closer, he freaks. He screams and cries. He absolutely hates the sweeper and the sounds it makes. Debi was sweeping her house and Lucas was in his pac n play, when she turned off the sweeper, he was crying hysterically. Poor baby :(

Lucas had his 9 month appointment this week. Here are his stats: 20lbs 10oz & 30 1/2 inches long. I forget his head size but it was in the 50% range of his age. The other 2 stats are also 50% and 97% in range.

The doctor said we could start giving him Vitamin D milk more in between formula bottles. He is only taking 2 bottles now as it is so it wont be hard to wean him off of the formula. I gave him a Vitamin D bottle last night and he did well. So we will see how this goes. I am keeping an extra pack of formula just in case he has issues :) lets hope he doesnt!

We also asked about his eye. Danny & I noticed that it may have been a bit on the "lazy" side. We werent for sure, so Danny asked the doc and the doc wasnt too worried about it. Said that it could still be some swelling that a fall Lucas had earlier in the month. We will keep close eye on it and check it in a few weeks to see if its still the swelling thas making it seem to be lazy or if he has to get his eyes checked. Prayers!

We also are starting to give him more and more table foods. He loves them. It gets harder to eat in front of him every day so we just give him what we can until the doc okay's it. Well, they did ha. Right now hes eating 3 jars of baby food and 2 formula bottles with some apple juice in between here and there if he gets thirsty. Most of the time he is too busy playing to even be hungry. He loves to play! Lucas has been very consistent with his sleeping pattern. He goes down every night between 7-9 and sleeps well until I wake him up at 6am to feed him and spend time with him before I head off to work. If i didnt wake him up, I am sure he would sleep until 7 or 8. I need that mommy time in the mornings, starts my day off just right :)

Favorite things:
  • pacifiers
  • num nums
  • playing in his crib
  • standing againts the couch
  • remote
  • mirrors
  • kicking and banging his legs against his mattress when he isnt sleepy
  • rudy
  • riding in the cart at the grocery store
  • hats
  • his tongue
9 month pics :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Crawling :)

I thought it wasn't going to happen. My heart was starting to ache because everyone else's babies were crawling. Was I being stubborn, probably. As a parent you never want anything to be wrong with your children. I was concerned Lucas was developing slowly. Then boom, outta nowhere he started crawling. My heart didn't ache anymore. I was relieved and excited he hit another milestone. Now, I can look forward to the next one :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

8 months.

Lucas turned 8 months old on Saturday. He is 20.2lbs. We had our first encounter w the croup. I was in Nashville when he got it and from the stories I got from both sets of grandparents, it was ugly. Poor baby!

We are still working on crawling. Army crawling and scooting were easy. This whole getting on all 4's and moving forward is what he won't do. We practice everyday and he just doesn't want any part of it. He would rather sit, stand, or roll to what he needs. I'm out of ideas as to how to get him to progress. On a happier note he's really been into giving me kisses. I love this! He opens his mouth so wide and closes his eyes! Melts my heart.

We started feeding him stage 3 foods. He is such a good eater. I am amazed at how much he likes everything. Peas are the only thing I have seen 'the face' with ha. Here is a pic of tonight's chicken noodles and he got a little on his new Jammie's. My favorite by the way! :)

Football games were on so we decided to watch the games and take our bath in the living room! He had fun! got water everywhere. Ha!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby's first Halloweenie :)

This year we got to dress up Lucas in his first Halloween costume. Although he couldnt do much of the 'Trick-or-Treating', it was still fun to see him in his Bengal costume. I took him up with me to Lapel to see his little cousin Callie Jo. I wanted to get the kiddos together for some pics since they will be spending lots of time together when I come home to visit! I must say, she was the cutest little elephant I have ever seen! Not to mention, she looks like me as a baby anyways :) Here are a few pics from the holiday! It was a Jungle at the house this year :)

Lucas in his Bengal costume
Callie & Lucas in their costumes
Lucas giving Callie a kiss :)
My lil Bengal cub :)
Momma Bengal and her baby

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

7 months, sickness, losing my mind.

Yesterday was eventful. It was the first real signs of a sick baby. Not to mention, Danny hasn't felt well either. So, I stayed home and spent the day with the both of them. Lucas has an ear infection, cold, and told that his 2 top teeth are coming down and coming fast. She said his gums were very very swollen and that it wouldnt be long before we had 2 more teeth...if I could have taken a pic of my face, reciving all of this information, I would have. A lot of information in one visit. Very overwhelming.

Our crawling situation still has not gotten any better. I noticed a few nights ago that when he rolls over onto his stomach in the middle of the night he will get up on all 4's and go backwards! Fantastic.

Lucas and I have been spending our nights on his bedroom floor. I may need to see the chiropractor in a few weeks after this ear infection/cold ordeal is over with. He is waking up every hour almost and its just easier for me to stay in there and be with him then ge tup 100000000000 times in the night back and forth from our bedroom to his bedroom. The pac-n-play is at Gramma Beths so that would be more convenient for next time. I need to get that from her :) ha!

Lucas turns 7 months old tomorrow. Still seems unreal at times.

Love you baby boy<3
At the doctor :(

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

worst fear.

So lately I have been feeling really guilty about Lucas not being able to crawl yet. I see other babies that are his age and doing so well and showing steady signs of wanting to crawl, and he just lays there. Well, technically, he screams the whole time so doesnt really even lay there. Last night was the first real signs of him wanting to put pressure on his forearms. He hates tummy time so his development in his upper extremities has been slow. We can put him on his belly for a few minutes, then he is done. He lets you know. That is one thing I love about him, he definately tells you when he is not happy.

Last night we practiced putting pressure on our arms and legs and even got up on all fours before he tumbled over. Then we took a bath. He had gotten tons of fuzz on his fingers and neck so I decided to throw him in the tub. Well, not throw. You kow what I mean. Here is a video of Lucas in the tub. Dont judge me on the ending, it was a total accident and no child was injured in the process :)
6 1/2 months old.

He also loves sitting up and playing wth toy trucks and musical things. I love this part. He is learning very quickly and seems to be entertained with the most simplest of things. Daddys hats, remote, socks, blankers, bears, spoons, straws. Although most of these things are given to him by me and under strict supervision, I love that he can enjoy all of them.

We were given a swing by our good friends, The Kikendall's, for his baby shower. Lucas loves this swing. It has literally been our saving grace. Unfortunately, the little, well growing bigger, Lucas is starting to sit up in it and getting close to the weight limit. I am not ready for him to outgrow this part of his journey. I have spent many hours watching him sleep, talk, laugh in this swing and its just a bittersweet moment that I have ahead of me. Here are a few pics of his moments in this wonderful gift :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

1/2 a year old, already.

Seriously, time needs to slow the F**k down. I cant believe Lucas is already 6 months old! Just feels like yesterday I was sitting on my fat ass eating cake on the couch from my baby shower, or driving home from the doctors office 2 times a week, or eating TUMS like they were candy, or taking a bath and not being able to get out without crawling out LOL. Ahh...memories!

He amazes us everyday. Feels like each time I come home he has grown a little taller or learned something new that day with Daddy. It takes every inch of my body to walk out that door at 6:45am. I just dont want to miss anything! As much as I would LOVE to be a stay at home mom. I dont think its ever going to happen for me. I always wanted to work from home, and now that I have the opportunity, I just dont see it happening. Maybe one day, right?!

As far as milestones go, he sure is climbing the ladder. He can sit up by himself, hold his bottle when he isnt being lazy, and I swear sometimes when he is talking to himself he has said "mama", "dada" and "hi" haha. I love it when he talks. Its like a little person just trying to tell his own story. I cant wait until he can actually make sense of his words and we can understand what he is trying to say. He already seems to be growing into his own little personality. As far as whose he has...well, time will tell :)

Lucas got his 6 month pics done with Miss Linda and they turned out great! Here are a few!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A little late.

My intentions were to start blogging when Lucas was born, back in March. BUT needless to say, I got behind. So beginning at 6 months isnt too late is it? :) If you are reading this you already are my friend on facebook and see the updated pics of Lucas on a daily basis. Yes, I know, I take a lot. I cant help it. He is my first born! Dont fault me for being camera happy! Wouldnt you tak pics of him everyday too if you saw this face on a daily basis :) Here are a "few" of my favs from the past 6 months just to catch up on my lack of bloggs!
 our family of 3
 2:50 3/19/11
 first real smile:)
 naked :)
 love this!
 beach baby!
 3 months old :)
 Sick :(
 My lil swimmer.
 Basketball baby :)
 Mmm toes.
Lucas & Hadey, love<3