Monday, September 26, 2011

1/2 a year old, already.

Seriously, time needs to slow the F**k down. I cant believe Lucas is already 6 months old! Just feels like yesterday I was sitting on my fat ass eating cake on the couch from my baby shower, or driving home from the doctors office 2 times a week, or eating TUMS like they were candy, or taking a bath and not being able to get out without crawling out LOL. Ahh...memories!

He amazes us everyday. Feels like each time I come home he has grown a little taller or learned something new that day with Daddy. It takes every inch of my body to walk out that door at 6:45am. I just dont want to miss anything! As much as I would LOVE to be a stay at home mom. I dont think its ever going to happen for me. I always wanted to work from home, and now that I have the opportunity, I just dont see it happening. Maybe one day, right?!

As far as milestones go, he sure is climbing the ladder. He can sit up by himself, hold his bottle when he isnt being lazy, and I swear sometimes when he is talking to himself he has said "mama", "dada" and "hi" haha. I love it when he talks. Its like a little person just trying to tell his own story. I cant wait until he can actually make sense of his words and we can understand what he is trying to say. He already seems to be growing into his own little personality. As far as whose he has...well, time will tell :)

Lucas got his 6 month pics done with Miss Linda and they turned out great! Here are a few!


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