Monday, October 28, 2013


It was brought to our attention that there were some issues with people believing that the donated money was going to our 'family' and not Eli. Eli has his bank account that I have all of his donations in and sales from wristbands, and tshirts. That is something I have personally done myself. We have opened another account for the benefit to directly deposit the funds into which will cover any medical expenses eli has which includes the medications he will need for the rest of his life, food and lodging for us while we are unable to live in our own home (which I remind you we still make a house payment on every month). We do not go out and spend money, nor do we go out and shop, nor do we go to dinners unless they are gift cards given to us as a donation, we don’t get groceries because we don’t live in our own home. Danny works 5 days a week, as do myself. Lucas spends nights away from his mother and father so that we can give Eli the necessary attention he needs. I don’t care what anyone has to say, we know what we are doing for our son, and it’s the best we can do given the situation. I still have to provide for my family. Danny still has to provide for our family. We cannot be at the hospital 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am there every morning, every lunch, and every day when I get off work. The negative attention this whole situation has been brought upon us, is horrific. To think that this is a profit, is beyond disrespectful and we will not tolerate it. If you do not wish to be a part of this journey, then so be it. We are sorry that you feel this way about or family, and personally, as individuals. We are sorry that you don’t want to be a part of our sons journey. We will pray for you. With that being said, we THANK those of you from the bottom of our hearts who have donated to Eli. You have given us a head start in prepping for his first trip home, LIFE LONG medications, necessary items to keep things clean for him so we dont have to make him live in a bubble, clothes that he can wear with all of his IV lines and feeding tubes, gas cards you have given us so we can make the trips home to be in our own home for periods of time, restaraunt cards we have used over the past few weeks so we can eat good meals, instead of hospital food. People like you, help us carry on.


  1. Some people just are negative. You have to (its a must if u wanna maintain your health) remain positive. Do not let the negative comments weigh u down. Please remember God is our only judge. If u r right with Him then all is well. I will pray with u for those negative people. I will pray for all of u too. Hugs and kisses being sent from Springboro. :)

  2. Kelcie,
    Dont waste your energy for a second on this crap!!!!! People are mean and Karma has this. Nothing gets by Karma, nothing!!!!
